trainer courses in austria and germany

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Dear Trainers and Instructors,

How can free digital tools make teaching easier? How can I achieve this without being a media expert and with limited time resources? For which forestry topics does this make sense, and how do I integrate digital teaching methods into my classes – in the classroom, online, before, and after lessons?

We are pleased to invite you to a course where, together with you, we will develop practical solutions using examples from your own teaching. You will learn about the most efficient solutions and tools from the abundance of available options, especially those suitable for forestry education and that will make your work easier. Practice makes perfect: join us in testing which innovations in teaching (e.g., the use of AI) are personally beneficial for you!

Course Content:

The course covers the following topics (online learning units and self-study):

  • Basic concepts and benefits of blended learning
  • Integration of e-learning into teaching: Didactic methods and recommendations
  • Video creation, explanatory videos, interactive presentations
  • Collaboration online – working together with Padlet & Co.
  • AI in teaching
  • Useful small tools – creative tools for education
  • Evaluation and feedback methods

Course Structure:

  • 5 in-person learning units (online), each starting at 4:00 PM or 5:00 PM, lasting 3 hours (each unit will be offered twice, providing a total of 10 sessions)
  • Independent development of a specific project for your own teaching (between learning units; can also be done collaboratively with other participants)
  • Start date: October 2, 2024


Participation in the course is free as part of the ERASMUS+-funded FOREE project.
Please register by no later than September 24, 2024.
The number of participants is limited to ensure intensive and individualized support.You can register via email or

We look forward to welcoming you to our course and collaboratively shaping the future of forestry education and training!

Course Leadership:

Expert Team FOREE:

  • Forestry Training Center Pichl
  • Forestry Education Center NRW
  • Wood Cluster Styria
  • University of Agricultural and Environmental Education Vienna

Target Audience:

This course is aimed at educators involved in forestry education and training who wish to modernize and enhance their teaching methods.


  • Session 1: October 2 or October 9 (alternative date)
  • Session 2: October 17 or October 22 (alternative date)
  • Session 3: November 6 or November 7 (alternative date)
  • Session 4: November 13 or November 14 (alternative date)
  • Session 5: December 3 or December 11 (alternative date)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.