Projekti materjalid

Project communication materials:

Download Logo:  FOREE Logo

Download digital presentation in English:  FOREE_Digital presentation English

Download dissemination kit/communication guidelines : FOREE_Dissemination kit CD 



FOREE e-Newsletter:

Download 1st Newsletter online English

Download 1st Newsletter online German

 Download 1st Newsletter online Italian 

Download 1st Newsletter online Estonian



Project Poster:

FOREE Poster English
FOREE Poster German
FOREE Poster Italian
FOREE_Poster Estonian


Projekti tulemused: 

Download FOREE Report on the assessment of digital needs and challenges (WP2.1)


Download Train of Trainers Handbook ENGLISH on digital tchnologies, digital learning activities and forestry related contents and competencies  (WP3.1)  

Download Train of Trainers Handbook  GERMAN on digital tchnologies, digital learning activities and forestry related contents and competencies  (WP3.1)

Download Train of Trainers Handbook ITALIAN on digital tchnologies, digital learning activities and forestry related contents and competencies  (WP3.1)

Download Train of Trainers Handbook ESTONIAN on digital tchnologies, digital learning activities and forestry related contents and competencies  (WP3.1)


Link to Digital Toolbox (Multilingual Educational Toolbox) Language can be selected (EN, DE, EE, IT) (WP3.1)

Link to Massive open online course: Blended learning in Forestry Education (please register first) (WP3.2.)