Online Survey on blended learning

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FOREE Survey on Blended Learning in Vocational Forestry Education

The project FOREE  supports the development of a flexible blended forestry education system by creating an open access train-the-trainer program. To match the programs’ training offer to existing demands, experiences with e-learning in forestry education are assessed first.
The goal of this survey is to learn more about your views on and experiences with e-learning. Digital teaching involves a broad, often confusing variety of methodologies and tools. What are possible bottlenecks or challenges, and where do you see benefits? The survey addresses forestry education staff: teachers / trainers, as well as principals, or other staff with special responsibilities: Please feel free to forward the link to your colleagues!
We kindly ask you to explain your own experiences and opinions as much as possible: Every additional information is very much appreciated. Thank you for your help!

English FOREE Survey on Blended Learning in Vocational Forestry Education (

Italian Indagine FOREE sull’apprendimento blended nella formazione professionale forestale (

German FOREE Umfrage zu Blended Learning in der Forstausbildung (

Estonian FOREE uuring (