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Since December 3, 2024, the MOOC: Blended Learning in Forestry Education has been accessible for free. The course is conducted in English, and participants can learn at their own pace. Read on to find out out how to register.

Grasping the concept and its significance in forestry education is crucial for developing a comprehensive understanding of the field. Digital tools play a vital role in this process by providing interactive and immersive learning experiences. They enable students to visualize complex ecological systems, analyze data in real-time, and simulate forest management scenarios. This not only enhances their grasp of theoretical concepts but also demonstrates the practical relevance of these concepts in real-world forestry applications.

Who should attend?

Teachers, trainers, and educational leaders, such as principals and training directors. This course also suits professionals involved in forestry-related education, like landscape instructors, hunting coaches, and tree sports trainers.

How to register

To access the course, you need to register as a Moodle user. Note: This is your first digital task and involves several steps, which may require some patience.

Step 1: Creating a Moodle Account

  1. Visit the Moodle registration page:
  2. Click on “Create new account” in the right-hand menu.
  3. Read through the Terms and Conditions (two pages), tick the box “I agree to the Policy”, and click Next.
  4. Complete the registration form (username, password etc)
  5. After completing the form, you will receive an email titled “HTM Moodle: account confirmation”
  6. Confirm your account creation by clicking the link in the email.
  7. Only on your first login, the system will ask for an ID code. Click “I don’t have an Estonian personal identification code” to request an ID code exemption.
  8. Mark Luua Forestry School as your school.

Your request will be reviewed within 24 hours (usually much faster). After approval, you can use your account without needing an ID code.

Step 2: Enrolling in the Course

  1. Open this link: Blended Learning in Forestry Education Or search for the course by name: Blended Learning in Forestry Education.
  2. Select self-enrollment
  3. Enter the Student key: Foree2024

Note: Be patient while the course fully loads.

The MOOC Blended Learning in Forestry Education is now ready for you to explore and learn!